There is never an excuse for any kind of abuse.

Empty. Confused.
Isolated. Lost.
These words only begin to describe the experience brought about by the gas-lighting, blame-shifting, trauma-bonding, and various other forms of manipulation. The experience of narcissistic abuse is incredibly difficult to understand if you haven't been through it yourself. ​Whether your experience has been with a friend, family member, colleague, boss, or intimate partner, the mental fallout from narcissistic abuse is typically similar in nature.
The Narcissist.
While potentially presenting as charming or charismatic, by definition, a person who is narcissistic typically acts arrogant and entitled, and lacks the capacity for emotional empathy. Narcissistic folks often exploit the best of us, targeting those whose traits they admire, and utilizing various forms of abuse to gain and maintain power. That said, narcissism has many faces and forms.

The Relationship.
In the beginning, the dynamic or relationship with a narcissist might feel intense and exciting. The energy might feel “different”...powerful...special. Unfortunately, soon it may feel unbalanced, unsafe, isolating, & unbelievably confusing. That said, it is not unusual for these relationships to feel very difficult to pull away from if a trauma bond has formed.
The Effects.
You may begin acting in ways you typically wouldn’t. You may start to lose your sense of self. You may notice that you feel out of touch with your own reality. You fear being perceived as “crazy”, and you may start to wonder if things would have been better had you just done things differently. You now find it difficult to assert yourself.